There are investment co-operatives growing in communities throughout Canada and British Columbia, including the Vancouver Island Community Investment Co-op, and we’re working with them to design the best possible model for Gabriola.

Imagine investing in fellow islanders who want to use food waste currently being ferried away to create nutrient-packed soil for Gabriola farmers, or value-added processing solutions to turn those island-grown vegetables and fruits into exciting new products and the jobs that go with them.

Investors receive a modest financial return from projects like that, and the whole island community benefits.

Co-op Model

Based on the feedback we’ve received at packed community events and from two surveys, we know there is a real appetite on Gabriola to build community and redirect some of our hard earned savings to projects that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

And there is no shortage of entrepreneurs with ideas and projects that could make a huge difference here on the island, from food security to housing solutions and renewable energy.

RRSP’s Don’t Stay

Over $4.3 billion in RRSP investments leave British Columbia each year, with $500 million flowing out of the Islands.

Not one cent is invested locally.

A Community Investment Co-op offers a new way to invest in people and projects that work for Gabriola.